Join our club
Ilkeston Running Club operates a two tier membership system
Type "A" membership £35 p.a.
Registers you with England Athletics as an athlete affiliated to our club.
Once registered you are able to enjoy a number of benefits:
Eligibility to enter and run for free Derby Runner BDL (5)Summer and (5 XC)Winter races
Also only as a Type "A" member. Notts AAA Summer League ( 5) races
Plus area and national championship races.
You can apply the "affiliated" rate for most open races , a discount of £2.
Discount on purchases at a number of sports outlets.
An entitlement to pre-order tickets for a variety of Athletic meets.
Provides you cover to race in events abroad.
The number of "A' type affiliated members directly influences the number of London Marathon places that the club can apply for annually.
Once you have been a member for one full year, providing you have met a number of other club requirements, you will be eligible to enter our club ballot for a London Marathon place.
Type "B" membership £16 p.a.
This allows you to participate in all club activities and events including the Derby Runner BDL summer and Winter league races but you CANNOT enter the Notts AAA Summer League (5) races as you will not be registered with England Athletics and cannot take advantage of England Athletics affiliation.
Joining part way through the year?
Joining Date. Type A. Type B.
Apr/May/Jun. £ 35 £ 16
Jul/Aug/Sep. £ 32 £ 13
Oct/Nov/Dec. £ 29 £ 10
Jan/Feb/Mar. £ 25 £ 7
Ilkeston Running Club : BACS transfer to sort code 40-19-37 A/C 31419250
Want to race ? You will need a IRC Race Vest only £17
Club race vests are held in stock, all sizes. Please add £17 to your initial membership payment and request your size on the application form.
Download application form in DOC format